As you can tell from the site, I am particularly interested in old places. Satellite and map views of old sites generally do not provide information about the remaining structures. In some cases, successive construction has eliminated previous structures and satellite imagery does not provide the information wanted. For some old sites, I have drawn maps combining this information including item identification. Where possible, I have included pictures of the site structure provided for tourists by the local authorities. In a few cases a map provides location information about walks, relative positions of the site at a glance, and general layouts. All of the drawings that I have done are composites of existing drawings, satellite images, guide books and tourist brochures. As far as possible the items are in scale and positions are relatively accurate. Drawings that I have gotten from the Internet have a source url on the bottom center. At the very least these illustrations provide a ready reference for identifying things of interest. As time permits I will define hotspots on selected items which will link directly to a photograph.
The list below provides a direct reference to all of the maps on the site, a link to seeing the full map and an optional link to an associated image or set of associated images
There are no maps currently defined.